— GoVenture Health
1. Start Here
Watch the 2-minute video above.
- Create your Instructor Account.
- You may or may not have to create student usernames — see below. Rosters are generated automatically, you do not have to add them.
- Create a GROUP and choose your desired settings.
- Provide instructions for your students.
The steps above are detailed below.
2. Create Your Instructor Account
- Once you have a Subscription Key, go to and follow the links to CREATE ACCOUNT. Then log in with your username and password.
- Review the instructor dashboard (website).
- The instructor dashboard allows you to create Groups (see below), monitor student progress and performance, and play GoVenture as a student (so that you can experience GoVenture as a student does).
3. Learning How to Play
- Review the User Guide and watch the brief Tutorial Video.
4. Student Accounts and Privacy
Only one of these two instructions apply to you for Student Accounts:
(A) If you are using the Learner Managed system (primarily for colleges, universities, nonprofits, and businesses), students create their own personal accounts using Subscription Keys. Students manage their own accounts. Give students the Group number you want them to join and your student roster will build automatically as students join your Group.
(B) If you are using the Instructor Managed system (primarily for K-12 schools), review the following information:
- Instructor Managed subscriptions do not require students to create full accounts on GoVenture.
- Students do not have to disclose any personally identifiable information.
- Instructors log in to GoVenture to create student accounts as they need them — click MANAGE STUDENTS.
- Watch the video below ...
Usernames and Personal Names
- When an instructor creates a student account, a unique USERNAME is generated for the student. The USERNAME is a multi-digit number that is automatically generated — the instructor cannot choose the number. Note that the instructor does not need to build or upload a roster.
- The instructor provides the USERNAME to the student and directs the student to log in to the GoVenture website at GoVenture will determine if this is a new USERNAME being used for the first time and prompt the student to set a PASSWORD and their name or student ID or pseudonym (if maximum privacy is preferred). No personally identifiable information is required of students. But, it is important that students use a unique identifier that allows the instructor to know who they are for monitoring and grading purposes. Alternatively, the instructor can manually record student names with their assigned USERNAMES. NOTE: If you direct students to enter their full names, you may want to consider directing them to enter their last names first (such as "Smith John" or "Smith, John") so that your Performance Reports can be sorted by last name.
- The student uses their personal USERNAME and PASSWORD to log in to GoVenture.
- Use this spreadsheet to share usernames with students — click the link to view the document then choose FILE > DOWNLOAD for your own copy to edit.
- When an instructor creates a student account, a unique USERNAME is generated for the student. The USERNAME is a multi-digit number that is automatically generated — the instructor cannot choose the number. Note that the instructor does not need to build or upload a roster.
Password Reset
- Instructors can reset student PASSWORDS (Instructor Managed system only).
- Instructor intervention is required because the system does not have any way of contacting an anonymous student.
Reassigning Student Accounts
- Your school or District is assigned a maximum number of instructor accounts and student accounts that can be active at any one time (concurrently).
- Instructors can DISABLE individual student accounts when they are no longer needed (such as at the end of the semester or year, or if a student drops out). Disabling a student account reduces the number of active student accounts, thereby providing room for another student account to be activated. Disabled accounts do not count towards the maximum number of concurrent accounts allowed. Disabling a student account retains all student progress and results, allowing the account to be activated again at any time.
- Instructors can RESET STUDENT to delete a student's progress and data and require them to start playing the same GROUP from the beginning (this does not delete their username and password).
- Instructors can DELETE individual student accounts. Doing so permanently erases the student login (username and password), progress and results and the same student account cannot be activated again.
- Instructors can EDIT student accounts.
- A student account that is created by an instructor but never actually used by a student will not count towards the maximum number of student accounts allowed. (Used means a student has set a password.)
More Information
5. Groups
- For students to begin playing the Simulation, the instructor must create a new Group number. Groups allow you to keep student performance results separated by class, school, region, or any other grouping that you prefer. Students can join multiple Groups.
- Use the Instructor Website to create a Group. Follow the on-screen directions to choose your Group settings. Save the settings and then copy the Group Number (7-digit number) and share it with students when you are ready for them to begin playing. Instructors can also use the Group Number to play as a student. When a student joins a Group Number, their name and progress will automatically appear on the instructor dashboard under Groups & Reports.
- Students cannot play the GoVenture Health eBook until an instructor provides them with a Group Number — you must give students a Group Number. Students can log in to view the Tutorial Video, User Guide, and Photobook PDF before they receive a Group Number. This allows you to get students set up with their login accounts in advance of having them do a specific activity.
- Instructors can play GoVenture as a student by clicking the PLAY AS A STUDENT. It is highly recommended that instructors play GoVenture for a few minutes to experience the options available in the program.
6. Content Organization
GoVenture is organized as follows:
SUBJECT (59 — see list at the end of this document)
TOPIC (300)
Each SUBJECT has several TOPICS. There are nearly 300 topics in total.
Each TOPIC is one scrollable page in the photobook. Each TOPIC page ends with a short QUIZ.
Each QUIZ consists of three questions randomly selected from a hidden list. Students must answer all three questions correctly to earn a gold coin.
Games appear at the end of each SUBJECT. There are several types of word games and action games. Each game has customized content that matches the SUBJECT under which it appears. In total, there are hundreds of games. Each one is designed to be played in only a few minutes. Games reinforce the content and learning material presented in the photobook.
Navigation is unrestricted and students can access any of the content at any time. Students may repeat completed subjects, topics, sections, quizzes, and games.
7. Hiding Subjects
- Instructors can hide SUBJECTS that may be too sensitive for certain students.
- SUBJECTS are chosen in GROUP SETTINGS, allowing you to selectively hide SUBJECTS for different groups of students.
8. Photobook
- In addition to the gamified ebook, the main content is also included in Adobe PDF format. The 400-page PDF photobook serves as a useful reference that is keyword searchable.
- A version of the book compatible with Adobe PDF "Read out loud" for full accessibility is available upon request.
— you must be logged in to view this document
9. Duration of Play
- GoVenture can be played for any amount of time over multiple days, weeks, or months. Progress can be saved and resumed at any time. It’s flexible to fit your curriculum needs.
- The amount of time it takes to complete a TOPIC or SUBJECT depends on the student and the length of the content.
- Generally, it may take 2 - 5 minutes to read a TOPIC page and complete the QUIZ. It may take 15-30 minutes to complete an entire SUBJECT. Plus several minutes for each GAME played.
- In total, GoVenture can deliver hundreds of hours of learning and activities, depending on your curriculum and preferences.
10. Saving and Resuming Progress
- Student progress is automatically saved online. Students can quit and resume their progress at any time. Students will automatically continue from where they stopped playing.
- If Internet problems arise and saving cannot be done automatically, students will be alerted with a warning message and an option to try saving again.
11. Rewards
Students are rewarded each time they make progress.
- A GOLD coin is awarded after successfully completing a QUIZ.
- POINTS are awarded as PAGES, SUBJECTS, and GAMES are completed. You can replay a GAME or incomplete QUIZ to improve your score (points are awarded for your highest score).
- ACHIEVEMENTS are awarded for various milestones.
- YOUR BODY items become unlocked as you earn points and gold coins.
- Your personal high scores for each game are recorded.
- Instructors may also want to consider awarding prizes for achieving certain milestones.
12. Assessment
- Student progress and performance is tracked automatically and detailed reports are instantly available.
- A personal Performance Report is available to each student in GoVenture.
- Student Performance Reports are available to the instructor through the instructor website. Instructors can also view and compare summary results for all students in a GROUP.
13. Sharing Accounts
- Instructors can share access to their accounts with other instructors or colleagues.
- View-only access or full access can be granted.
- This allows you to view student progress and performance for students that are not under your own account. This can be helpful for co-teachers, substitute teachers, department leaders, and more.
- There is no cost for this feature and any number of accounts can be shared.
- To request this feature, both instructors must already have GoVenture accounts. Then contact us with the following information:
- Email of the person whose account needs to be shared.
- Email of the person who will have access to the account above. Multiple people are possible.
- If you want to grant full access or view-only access.
14. Categories (10) and Subjects (59)
Body Systems
Substance Abuse & Addictions
Mental and Emotional Health
Personal Care
Environmental Health
Community Health
Disease and Chronic Illness Chronic Disease
Human Development
Injury Prevention and Safety